Not making time to expand and challenge your mindset, attitudes, and self-awareness has self-defeating costly consequences. How important are subjects like health, communications, time management, attitudes, change, perspectives, and relationship quality in your life? Not taking NEW action is a process that holds you back from getting more out of life!
A choice not to read on does make it possible for you to stay in any current ruts you have. Or to continue habits and routines that hold you back or control your life. What is the value of your happiness? What is the cost of your stress? Don't you want to reduce some of your stress? If your new actions could increase your life experiences, what value would you place on becoming less stressed and happier? Again, what do you miss out on every day by being too busy, being busy?
Cheating yourself from new life options lessens/decreases your opportunities to improve/expand/develop personal growth and self-awareness to create positive change. What do you miss out on by thinking and acting like you are too busy being busy? There is a cost to NOT making more time for your personal change and others. As a result of non-action, what is the cost to your happiness, health, communications, time-management, attitude, and relationships?
A choice to continue reading and listening - opens up new potential paths for self-improvement.
The videos above are in production. Expected release end of September 2022. Determine how you will answer the 58 personal questions in these four short videos.
Consider these consequences and how they can affect your life mapping (one of the Academy modules) and the opportunity to fine-tune your purpose in life. A choice to leave this site will guarantee, not thinking or knowing:
- What you could learn or reaffirm about the exceptional value of your life and or others!
- The benefits of finding more than seven ways to improve your life or someone else.
- How to learn great ways to write your life story. Your legacy is valuable. Pass your
legacy gift on to future generations when your unknown life cycle time is over. - How to prepare a life-exit plan for your life cycle. At some point in time, your family will need your plan or suffer the consequences in their grieving process. This item is covered in depth in an Academy Learning Module
- Ideas to expand your comfort zones. Finding new ideas to get more fulfillment, joy, and happiness in your life is rewarding. Plus, change or modify your stress levels. Finally, improve life management, frustration, attitudes, habits, and concerns for others.
- How to Improve your opportunities for more success, better life management, and stress reduction. All this leads to greater happiness.
How interested are you in finding 7 or more ways to enrich your life to get more out of living? Have you written down any triggered thoughts yet? Life is complex and is composed of many obstacles and parts. Please read this page to challenge your
reasoning to leave the site. Your self-audit/life inventory is vital to making better life decisions.
You made a choice to click the blue/red or blue/green button. You have an option to STOP (exit the website) or move forward with the opportunity to find seven (7) or more specific ways to get more out of life while creating your priceless legacy.
Consider the possible consequences of not taking this opportunity to expand your levels of thinking and self-awareness. At least read through these thoughts and the first page you just left. This short time could start a new path to getting more out of life and learning more ways to create the changes you choose. Determine who and what controls your life. Everyone can make a difference in life when they try.
Your notes and thoughts become powerful tools to determine your future wanted or needed paths to become happier.
Spending as little as 14 minutes a day - 3 days a week reading this information can make a big difference in your life management skills. You will find yourself thinking more and more about changes you realize you can control and create.
A decision and action to EXIT/STOP reading this information have potential life-improving consequences. Why would you not want to find ways to improve yourself and others?
These songs are on one of the pages you have not gotten to since you chose this link. Consider the valuable inspiration from the words of these two song videos: Ask yourself how the words apply to your life. Start determining what adjustments you need or can make in your life situations.
Write down any triggered thoughts, emotions, or feelings. Think about the value of your legacy and memories to future generations. Remember, the seeds you choose to plant in your life will become part of their harvest.
Think about what you have read so far in the blue, light-yellow, white, light green, and light gray boxes of opening information. The opening heading above the blue banner clearly states Warning - this site contains life-changing personal questions to improve self-awareness.
Again, this is a program about YOU looking at subjects you seldom consider but should so you can expand your levels of thinking, self-awareness, self-confidence, and happiness.
There were several personal opening questions. Which questions applied to your life? You may want to reread the opening questions. You had triggered thoughts to the first sixty (60) questions in the first eleven (12) text boxes. What were your triggered thoughts? Did you write anything down? If not, why not? That process of writing your thoughts
down is only for your benefit, so you can refine your ideas, thoughts, views, and opinions when you choose to do so.
This personal information is only a tiny tip of the life iceberg for NEW ideas you can have to help create positive change in your life and others.
There are a total of 175 questions on the first page. Which 7 of the first 60 questions in the first twelve (12) text boxes triggered the most thoughts about your life choices, situations, issues, options, relationships, life direction, opportunities, or accountability?
Can one idea or decision change just one situation in your life? Consider the value of that one change. Now multiply that by perhaps six or more minor changes. What significant changes could result for you? How would that impact your life? Would your happiness be increased?
Do you want to get more out of life? If so, what and how will you choose to pursue your desired success? With no plan, how will you know when you get there? Do you have a plan of action written down? If so, what is your plan of action? Does it need revisions? If you died unexpectedly, how would those you love be affected by your actions or lack of actions today?
The next day arrives when your life cycle concludes, and life moves on without you!
Are you curious about how those questions could affect your life and others?
The process of self-improvement involves intentional effort.
Expanding your levels of thinking and examining your comfort zones is priceless. But sometimes, the process can be uncomfortable. That is ok and is a standard expectation. Thinking outside the box gives you more potential life tools. See how you can better use your life resources for self-improvement.
Life is usually hard for two reasons - Either you are expanding your comfort zone, or you are staying in your current comfort zone.
Finding areas of locked, lost, untapped, or unused potential can be life-changing. Making an effort to understand your reasons is essential. Identify the root causes. Creating positive adjustments can become a decision that changes your life.
You have an option to start gaining more ideas for personal growth. Making a decision to read further on this website is challenging. That decision may expand your comfort zones. For many, that isn't easy.
- Do you want or need a change in any area of your life?
- Did you watch the 1-minute opening video? What triggered thoughts did you have?
- Did you make time to watch any of the 12 short videos?
- Did you get and read any of the free gifts? They are overflowing with personal, challenging life questions?
- Did you download the "If - I - Why" exercise to challenge your thoughts?
Agree or Disagree: Sometimes, you are the only one holding yourself back. It's vital to continue learning and preparing for your future. Especially when your comfort zones get challenged and stretched. Making positive life adjustments is essential.
All the information, thoughts, perspectives, questions, and ideas come from real-life situations. Determine what applies to you for self-improvement. Each question can probe a little deeper into your levels of thinking. Your life, opportunities, purpose, and chosen directions have value. Your self-paced audit and life inventory will reveal areas of life you can choose to improve. Start getting more out of life. It isn't easy to place a dollar value on that.
If a root cause of a past situation, a one-time problem, an attitude, a terrible past decision, or the result of a situation created is holding you back, let's get it uncovered, deal with it, and plan positive changes. Past things that have happened to you are not a life sentence but a learning opportunity to do better. You must know you are so much more than any bad things that have happened to you.
Finding and looking at possible ways to improve is priceless. Decrease stress and increase your happiness by the positive actions you choose. What would the value be of being able to unlock unused or unlocked potential?
Check out the If - I - Why statements mentioned at the bottom of the page you just left.
The Personal Legacy Builder Academy is based on real-life events. Find 7 or more ways you can become happier to enjoy life more. What $$ value could you place on that??
The choice you make NOW to leave the site has consequences. Where do you hope your life goes on your current continued path of attitudes and actions? Remember, doing nothing is an action!
You will miss out on many positive benefits for self-improvement. Are you looking more at your past instead of your future?
Life is so full of options. Change is a process that requires thought, effort, and action. Do you consistently seek more intentional happiness, opportunities, personal growth, and success? If not, why not? To improve yourself and others requires one to invest time and effort.
The Personal Legacy Builder Academy for Self-Improvement provides essential tools. Finding your unused or untapped potential is rewarding.
Agree or Disagree: People need NEW information to fix or repair old problems to improve.
Do you believe it is best to seek daily ways to decide what is best for your self-improvement? What about the people you choose to be around?
There comes a time in everyone's life when it is relevant to take a personal life inventory. See and appreciate your physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual assets. Furthermore, it is beneficial to review what you have learned. Determine how you use the wisdom, where you want to go, and determine the best path to get there. Intentional efforts are required to get more out of life!
- Since you are on this page, you were curious about the link. Why? Or you are leaning toward not continuing to read. Learning about ways to improve is priceless. Finding a better understanding of your life situations is essential. Ask yourself why? Don't let fear be a controlling force in your life. If that is the case, it's a clear sign you need a new change in your life thoughts and directions.
- You also did not choose to be born, yet you have a life to live. How and why did that happen, and what are your benefits? Expand and refine your mindset.
- You also may not have taken the time to listen to the short videos or take advantage of the gifts. Are you afraid of what you might discover about yourself?
Can one decision change your life? Be sure and read through the Blogs before making your final decision. Your time can be beneficial reading and answering personal questions about things that have happened to you and others or will happen.
Greet with open arms new life ideas and opportunities. So when you encounter such a situation, you will have an idea about the directions you can take or assist others.
You can choose to use the back button in your browser to keep reading. Or altogether leave the site.
Don't let your past rob you of your future options and opportunities for success. What do you need to sharpen in your life? What roadblocks would you like to go around? What bridges need repairs or to be rebuilt? What apologies need to be made? What forgiveness needs to be made? What can you improve to better your life and others starting today?
Again, If you could change one thing in your life starting today, what would it be and why?
Determine how it will be helpful to manage life expectations better? Consider your choices now, carefully!
Many things in life don't work the way you would like, but it's essential to analyze the situation and determine the best NEW route to follow.