PLB Academy for Self-Improvement is a Market Place of Life Ideas to improve life situations. You will find encouragement and ways to refine your personal growth depending on the actions you want, need, or choose.
Taking time for Self Analysis involves - a personal audit/life inventory. The self-audit and life inventory processes are pretty revealing. Discover one new decision and action that can change/improve/expand your Life and Legacy.
About the Author: The author has four main challenge questions throughout the program:
- Are you too busy being busy that you fail to think about your self-improvement, but should?
- Can one decision or action change your Life?
- Can one decision or action change another person's Life?
- How can people survive your death, the end-of-your Life cycle better due to your actions now?
Agree or Disagree: One positive/favorable decision can change a life!!
This Personal Legacy Builder system is a product every person should have due to Life's unexpected changes. Is it important for you to Improve your self-awareness, mindset, perspective, and attitudes? The Personal Legacy Builder Academy program, PLB for short, is a self-paced opportunity to think outside the box. (A coffin perhaps???) Use this valuable time to engage in an in-depth self-evaluation, a life audit.
Start NOW Investing small portions of your time at first, to identify areas of Life you can choose to enhance. What can make your life better? What will your legacy be?
Life from this moment forward does not get any easier or more comfortable, but life can become better and less uncomfortable by making the right decisions. It does not matter how smart you are when you make bad choices. We must learn from our life consequences. We must know the value of an item, not what it costs.
Our lives develop and improve through adversity, where we gain wisdom. We all take different paths in Life based on our DNA, situations, opportunities, and decisions. Until your last breath is taken, you can continually evaluate yourself to make tomorrow better than today. Life should be a continuous learning process. Everyone has an option to obtain more out of Life, leaving an extraordinary, lasting legacy. What path are you on? Are you preparing for the future? Do you actively search for ways to become a better person? This program can help find specific areas that change lives. Would it not be great to continue living, feeling more fulfilled. IMAGINE: How would transformational change improve your life experience?
Everyone will leave a legacy of some sort. The life seeds you plant in your life will have an effect on future life harvests for other people. Will your Legacy only be memories that fade away over time, or be something written that can affect generations to come? It is a story about your life path based on your activities, life lessons, impact on others, and accomplishments. The question to ask is, what choice and actions will you make NOW to ensure the longevity and quality of your heritage? What is the value of your life story?
Agree or Disagree: We must be proactive and intentional in our decision-making to ensure our Life and Legacy quality.
Growing up, the author was the youngest son of a doctor. He had an older brother by three years. He was fortunate to attend college for seven years total. He studied in the fields of engineering, pre-med, and business. He gained a well-rounded education despite the dysfunctional family issues he struggled to understand. His life story is one of the FREE modules after registering in the Academy.
He loves talking to people about their lives and learning from their shared experiences. Helping others realize their unrealized potential is so fulfilling. As a creative entrepreneur, small business owner, pilot, adviser, facilitator, author, younger brother, older brother, son, husband, father, and grandfather, he has been self-employed for 40-plus years, since the age of 26.
Because of his life experiences, he is passionate about sharing his life lessons, challenges, and perspectives. This program's development is a concentrated effort to help other people achieve a more meaningful and more fulfilling life. To identify and formulate new personal ideas that can significantly improve their lives. This program presents a unique, compelling, fantastic, mind-challenging program that makeup Personal Legacy Builder Academy.
He is a Christian and accepted Christ into his life at the age of 21. While in college, he was actively involved with the campus ministries of the Navigator youth Christian program. He has experienced that Life is a more satisfying and happier journey when we learn to allow God into our life. Many times that is challenging. When we stray, Life becomes more frustrating.
He was married for 30 years. Together with his wife, he raised a family of 4 outstanding, beautiful, and talented children. There are two boys and two girls. The girls and one son are happily married. The oldest son struggles with getting involved with two women who are unstable. You cannot always try to be the white knight. Some people are unwilling or able to recognize they don't want to change or that they are the problem.
We all get trapped from time to time in our feelings and emotions and can't see clearly how to get out of situations. Many situations are involved in the relationships we choose. THEREFORE WE MUST QUESTION OURSELVES AND SEEK NEW PATHS TO IMPROVE. Their children are helping make the world a better place.
The oldest son is struggling with an issue no person should ever have to go through, the death of his 5-year-old son in 2016. This situation is revealed in the author's life story. There are many lessons to be learned from this life-changing event.
The author has a complex and compelling life story to share, just as many others have. It is a miracle that he exists, just like everyone else. He was faced with learning about family secrets learned late in life. These are shared in his life story. He wants to make sure his legacy lives on for future generations he will never meet. This program is challenging and encourages others to realize the significance and value of doing the same and sharing their life story.
The information in these programs, which you choose and decide to invest in, can be precious. Anyone who spends the time to read through the data will grow as a person. Be sure and look at the BLOG posts. You will find many areas of your life that you choose to improve. Evaluate what applies, take notes, carefully identify areas of Life that can be improved. Individuals can become more focused on life by new enlightenment, ideas, choices, decisions, and actions. One can regain and become aware of what makes them tick, reconnect with the inner self, identify, and evaluate life and conflict areas that you have room for improvement. It's time to get out of your ruts and bad habits. Take off the side blinders that tend to hold you back. Identify what you can control or change. Take a serious look at your current situation. Make revised plans now for your future life skill development, health, and improved relationships. Develop your strategy to improve Life and to leave your Legacy.
All this and more can be accomplished when you invest in yourself by getting the Personal Legacy Builder Academy program. Every Life has value and impacts other people. This is a marketplace of life ideas to encourage personal self-analysis, leading to discovering a decision that can change a life. Challenge yourself to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. Make good choices and place your words into action. Your choices, options, and preferences often put you in a position you should not be in. Then we try to blame others instead of accepting responsibility for our actions based on their choices. We never look at the "why" or the root cause. We must own our decisions, take personal responsibility, and not play the blame game.
- Where are you at in your life?
- What life conflicts hold you back?
- Discover new ideas. Create solutions!
- Can one positive/favorable decision or action change a life?
You are challenged to expand your comfort zones.
To get the most out of the program, read the first five blocks of the Home page. Then listen to the short video series. Write down in a notebook the new thoughts that will be triggered in your mind. Next, continue reading the Home page.
To get the most out of the program, read and answer the questions on the Home page. Then listen to the short video series on the second page. Write down in a notebook the new thoughts that will be triggered. Depending on your level of interest in the personal questions and information presented, you will find PLB Academy's 5 intro web modules. You can click on the word GIFT at any time located thorough the website or click on the Free Gifts list button at the bottom of the first page on the website to get your 1st FREE gift. Start today. The first gift is the transcript of the first twelve short videos located on the second page of the website. This contains the 103 questions you get to detail your answers to. This provides a new path in expanding how you think about life. The 2nd gift includes the 1st 4 of the 15 personal exercises to broaden your mindset. Finally, the 3rd Free Gift is a Life Plan Check List. See more details regarding the free gifts at the bottom of the About page.
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