It is exciting that you clicked the green button to learn more.
Expanding your levels of thinking leads to self-improvement!
After finding at least seven (7) ways to improve and add value to your life options, success, happiness, and fulfillment while reducing stress, imagine how your life and others will improve!
Again, enhancing your happiness and quality of life helps reduce stress despite your past and current obstacles.
Agree or Disagree: So many people are overwhelmed with trying to make ends meet. We are so busy being busy that we fail to make time to look and be more self-aware of potential problems.
We find ourselves being in ruts, habits, and routines that keep us from being more productive. We all need new ideas to create change in our life. Don't be too busy being busy and miss out on life. Is change a necessity for personal growth?
On a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being the best, how would you rate your happiness right now? _____ How would you answer this question: I will be happy when ______? How important is improving the value of your life and others? Is it essential for daily personal growth? See what new vital perspectives and triggered thoughts you gain by reading this page. Self-improvement action = personal growth! No action = remain where you are at!
Your action now starts your self-paced life checkup. Find new paths to improve yourself and others. Become less stressed and happier as you create change to improve your life fulfillment! A person must see new possibilities in order to pursue them. Any score below 100 indicates you have room to improve. What do you want or need to improve in your lifestyle?
Life is fast-paced and time-limited! Start now to consider topics you seldom think about but should for self-improvement! Topics include but are not limited to your health, attitude, time-clock mgt, life map, how you fit in, legacy, communications, relationships, and essential mortality issues. (life cycle) - Will you choose to make needed efforts to improve? What will be your personal cost/loss for yourself and or others, if you don't make an effort?
This program is overflowing with personal questions for you to improve your options. In addition, you get to conduct an essential, in-depth, self-paced, personal life checkup. Finding areas of life you choose to improve is necessary. This process is an eye-opening and rewarding experience for personal growth. Empowering and refining your life skills and life-map is challenging.
Everyone, including you, has a unique, priceless life story filled with different experiences.
Each person from conception gets a Life Cycle Time Clock - 86,400 seconds a day and an unknown number of days to live - Every day you get to live increases your living experience. The experience increases your wisdom, creates your past, and can improve your future and legacy. However, your living time decreases/shortens an equal amount of time and chances to make, change, or improve. Are you making better intentional choices with your time left? Will you keep motivating yourself to seek ways to improve/expand your comfort zones? If not, why not? Do you want to create positive change? Many small actions create significant results, less stress, and more happiness. The information in the Academy helps you achieve more daily self-improvement.
All your experiences contribute to the value of your life and legacy building. Yet, how often do you struggle with navigating life's unpredictable and continuous challenges? Among the obstacles are the fear of rejection, ridicule, and failure. In addition, each life story unfolds at different rates with unique outcomes. So, let's start mapping out your life to see how complex your life is now and find ways you choose to improve.
This Academy for self-improvement is a guide overflowing with ideas and personal questions. Use them to sort through your life situations, obstacles, and options. To make a positive difference in your life journey, you need motivation and requires a plan. Timely action and accountability are essential components of making improvements. You can start today making time for your self-improvement.
If you use this self-paced, in-depth, common sense, self-audit/inventory, you will start finding areas of life to improve. Review your hopes, dreams, goals, memories, and life situations. Seek new opportunities, life directions, and experiences. Start expanding your views, options in life, and levels of thinking. Identify root causes of any problem. Look at your situation, position, condition, or concerns. Determine where you want or need to create change. This 360-degree view self-checkup reveals areas of life you choose to improve. From your triggered thoughts, learn and refine your options. Write down those critical thoughts because they become the foundation for change. What change do you want or need in your life? Let's find out.
You get to create positive change for yourself and others. What past or current events, hang-ups, or habits hold you back? What can you choose to do better? Who is in charge of your life choices and actions? What is in your life plan that you need to start improving? For starters, consider a few life plan items like your health. Also, consider your communication skills and the quality and length of relationships during your life cycle. Use this program to gather an inventory of your life to determine when, where, and how you can improve. Raise your levels of awareness. The information presented here is in a new and different format. It is an easy-to-use, self-paced, unique system. New ideas help you gain self-improvement, reduce stress, and be happier.
Important thoughts! Again, a concerned parent wrote this entire program. The PLB Academy is a self-paced, self-awareness, self-improvement, personal development opportunity to gain a deeper understanding/appreciation for life. The goal is to get people to improve their self-awareness by taking an in-depth look at themselves. After and during this process, people see areas of life that they will choose to improve. The author has a passion and vision to continue helping others achieve more out of life. Realizing and finding areas of life you choose to improve is priceless. Are you making the most out of your life cycle? If not, start today making new positive decisions and changes in your life and those you care about the most.
This information is for people of any age who desire to improve their self-awareness, life options, and happiness while reducing stress levels. So start now, getting more out of life. What would be your value for finding seven (7) or more ways to improve? Consider your health, mindset, attitude, communications, relationships, and legacy (life story). What does your life map look like so far? This process is all a part of your legacy building. Do you Agree or Disagree: Improved communication and life skills between parents and their children 12 thru 18 can significantly impact their decision-making skills.
Use these tools to help them build a more prosperous, well-adjusted future. The challenging personal questions help and allow you to make better decisions. Make time to review the items you determine the part of life you want or need to change/improve. You will have many new triggered thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and emotions. Think about this attitude: You get many days to live and only one day to die. How are you using your 86,400 seconds each day? Opportunities to enhance self-awareness and life options can produce a priceless result. Use what you read here to understand better, identify, and expand your possibilities. This action allows you to enjoy life more.
A self-paced life check-up is essential for personal growth, planned, intentional development, and overcoming being too busy, being busy, doing daily stuff! How much unused or untapped potential do you have but fail to see or use every day?
Thus, you can make transformational, consistent, intentional improvements. Will you choose to improve your self-awareness starting today? The new decisions and actions you decide to take will improve yourself and others? When did you last take a deep look into your life map? When is the best time to start? NOW!
You get to seek answers to tough life questions. Subjects include health, effective communications, attitude, relationships, sex, life mapping, and life skills. Most important of all is the building of your legacy. First, you get to create your life outline. Then, using the tools in the Academy, writing your story becomes more manageable. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What is your plan to get there?
Each topic helps generate better, healthy, open communication to improve your life. Do you want to improve your life options? This forum encourages and helps challenge your levels of thinking. Items include your mindset, values, perspectives, and time management.
You get to choose what you want, need, should, or can refine! Self-improvement does require effort. What is the purpose of life? What is your purpose in life?
FACT: There are sad and happy times in life where we learn life lessons that create wisdom. The benefit of wisdom/knowledge is that it serves as a unique tool for advancing the purpose of providing great joy. Furthermore, when we apply the lessons learned to do better, we experience personal growth. Each life journey (time-clock) takes you to places you did not expect or want to go. Therefore, it's essential to seek, find, and exercise your abilities and options to live a fuller life by choice.
Which 7 of the first 60 questions triggered the most thoughts about your life choices or options? There are an additional 160 questions on this page plus hundreds more on the website and the Academy.
Check out the two new modules about relationship building and quality.
What is your definition of love? How can you make a relationship better?
How, why, and where does love form? Once found, what makes it last or causes it to go away? In these two modules, you get to take an in-depth, self-paced look at yourself. Review possible reasons and solutions to improving the quality and depth of your relationships. Determine where you fit in. Are your love relationships meeting up to your expectations? If not, why not? You never know when you are making a memory that will improve/change your life or someone else. How often do you see more value in others and in your own potential?
What are your love connections?
See what applies to you in these modules. Your life does not have a script. Instead, the plot and story unfold every day your get to live as you determine your directions, decisions, and actions. Determine where you can choose to make improvements. See what you agree or disagree with. Take a look at questions and ideas you seldom consider but should! Expanding and challenging your thoughts about life help you to enhance your level of thinking and quality of life. Sometimes it's hard to know what is the correct thing to do. Life can be less stressful and more productive when we learn more options and have more tools to use. See more details at the bottom of this web page.
Check out Part One - Relationship Building - priorities, actions, & Obstacles and Part Two - After Engagement and Beyond in the Learning Modules. Once you choose to register, you will have access to both modules. These two are not a part of the complete Academy program. See what you agree or disagree with or add based on your life experiences. You will be amazed at your triggered thoughts. Determine if you will be good successful partners or just roommates. Ask yourself if you are avoiding any life issues? What is the light in your life, and how effectively are you using it? Define areas you want or need to improve.
No relationship is ever a waste of time. If the relationship didn't bring you what you wanted, it did teach you what you don't want. Sometimes having people leave you is a blessing. It just takes time to realize the benefit.
How often do you make time to think about your life mortality, values, quality of life, and direction? What do you expect, want, or need in your life to change? Are you getting out of life what you expect, like, or need? How often do you procrastinate, get sidetracked, feel stressed, angry, or frustrated? Is there room for more happiness and a more fulfilling life?
Is there any reason for you to NOT continue taking a personal in-depth view of your life to find unused or untapped potential? If so, what reasons? Who controls the reasons?
What action can you take to move forward starting today?
Together, let's dig into your questions, thoughts, ideas, emotions, and feelings. Plus, many more personal questions. Help yourself expand and manage your levels of thinking. Strive to improve yourself and others. If you don't feel like you are in a good space - Ask yourself why not. All the information here helps you realize how to improve and expand your life-building resources and skills for self-improvement.
You get to determine what you agree or disagree with. Then use the information to choose what, when, where, why, and how you will create change in your life and others. Then make plans on how you choose to create change to improve your life and others.
The result/reward of getting more out of life is to feel happier and less stressed. Does that interest you? The program is overflowing with personal life questions, ideas, and options. Take an inventory of your past, present, and future possibilities. You will expand your levels of thinking, mindset, and perspectives. Better self-awareness and thoughts to create positive change are priceless. Agree or Disagree: Life is complex yet full of opportunities to improve.
Start NOW by finding new ways to enhance your life options to enjoy living more during your life cycle. Answering a vast array of personal questions will become a part of your self-paced life audit. Looking at your life inventory helps you see areas of life you want or need to choose to improve. Self-reflecting is essential for enhancing personal growth. Making time to review your life inventory provides a new outlook on your life. Locate areas of your life that you choose to improve. Determine which tools, ideas, and actions work best for you. See if you find seven or more ways to improve yourself and others. By choosing to take an in-depth look at life options, you can start improving your life and others today. Your success comes from better choices, decisions, and attitudes. The quality of your results depends on the effort and actions you take. Remember, you die once, but live every day you get. People do not change unless they see a personal benefit. If viewing on the phone - use landscape.
Or are you too busy being busy focusing on daily routines, deadlines, past events, time management, habits, sadness, old relationships, and hang-ups that hold you back? STOP - those are heavyweights that produce non-productive wasted time and activities. Create change/improvement in your life that you choose, starting today. Let's make today better than yesterday, filled with new memories.
Consider the inspiration from the words of these two song videos: Ask yourself how the words apply to your life. Start determining what adjustments you need or can make in your life situations.
Write down any triggered thoughts, emotions, or feelings. Think about the value of your legacy and memories to future generations. Remember, the seeds you choose to plant in your life will become part of their harvest.
Agree or Disagree
I like free gifts. But free stuff has no value unless it is used to better yourself. I want or need NEW ideas and options to improve my life and others. I believe life is complex and valuable. YET life is short, fragile, fast-paced, challenging, and unpredictable. The most consistent thing in life is impossible-to-predict randomness called constant change. I think better self-awareness, accountability, and attitude are essential for self-improvement. Self-awareness helps in making better life-changing decisions. Navigating life with more options is rewarding. Life requires steady, intentional, daily refinement. I need new ideas to help me manage and improve my choices, decisions, and actions in my life. I want transformational change to get more quality life benefits during my life cycle, starting now!
If you agree, are open-minded, and want/need change - Here is your opportunity to start NOW, improving yourself and others. Invest some time. Keep reading to expand your possibilities.
Allow yourself to expand your levels of thinking, mindset, life options, and comfort zones. You get only one chance to live the life you have. Learn to ask yourself tough questions. Do what is best for you without harming others. What you leave behind is a legacy filled with your memories.
- Are you interested in accessing your unused, untapped, or blocked potential?
- Are you too busy with busy stuff to improve yourself and others? If so, why?
- What do you think you are lacking in life? Why? I
- Are you interested in reducing stress, becoming happier, and better managing your time? This includes health, communications, relationships, thoughts, emotions, feelings, attitudes, actions, assets, and Legacy? Finding new paths and options to get more out of life is priceless.
Be sure and check out the
3 Quick Personal Surveys - a short Reality Check
Located on the 3rd web page.
Take notes if you want to get more out of life and refine your triggered thoughts.
Pay close attention to what you are about to hear and read. Your journal will be filled with golden nuggets of information. Use what you write to refine choices, decisions, and actions. Making better decisions to face current or future adversity is essential. Use these tools to make your life happier.
To become happier and less stressed requires effort. Jot down your thoughts as they occur. You can start the process of self-improvement right now. Regardless of what life challenges you have endured or are currently facing, today is a new day. Many people in society seem to have lost, never had, or have no desires for self-improvement or reaching out to others. They just take each day as it comes with an "oh well" attitude. They remain in habits or states of mind that doesn't move them forward in life. All points in your life you cannot get back. Spend your time wisely.
What is the value of your life cycle, and how are you using your time to improve? What is the value of your life to others? What holds you back? Consider enhancing your life purpose and life mapping. See how you fit into life, time management, and the future. Create better health, new opportunities, and more effective communication skills. Improving the quality of relationships and building a legacy is priceless. Review the personal, common-sense questions. Dig into your mental, spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional values. Improve your motivation and desire to thrive. What drives you every day? See what applies to help improve your unique situations. Use these questions and ideas to enhance your life and others.
Time and personal effort are required to actively and purposely learn more about yourself and others. This program cannot be accomplished in one evening. Personal growth is an ongoing process. These tools can be essential to find your unused, untapped, or blocked potential. Without transformation, you are not growing.
------------------------------------>> Check out the rest of this personal information. Your life paths, decision-making skills, and opportunities can start to improve. Engage in taking an inventory of your life, a self-paced, self-audit.
The Paths include what you learned from your past, how you are applying it to your present, and how you choose to plan for future life situations that affect, impact or alter personal growth. Growth has but is not limited to attitudes, emotions, feelings, levels of thinking, health, relationships, sex, communication, strengths, weakness, mindset, legacy, life plans, perspectives, and opportunities.
Starting today, you get to decide, create, and act on NEW positive changes you choose that you want or need in your life and others! First, consider your quality of health, communication, relationships, and attitudes. Then, determine the areas you want most to create positive changes.
Start now to find more ways to improve yourself and others. See what triggered thoughts come to your mind. Then, apply them to enhance your life journey. Define your unmet needs and limits that you can, should, want, or need to overcome!
If your could start changing one thing in your life today, what would it be and why?
Do you have or want more balance and happiness in your life? Have you figured the life process out yet as it constantly changes? If not, keep reading to discover many thoughts and ideas that become triggered in your mind. You will find new questions to answer. So start now to take an in-depth 360-degree overall look at your life. Your self-audit and life inventory can be revealing. Your mindset of the past, current life, and future are essential tools to have.
Millions of others wish to or need to improve their personal growth and life situations. You probably want the same thing. Start now, learning new ways to reduce stress and have better/more options. Life opportunities and quality life management are essential. Success and happiness depend on the decision and actions you choose.
Act now to start getting more out of life. You have that same option to fine-tune your character. Also, your perspectives, decisions, attitude, actions, accountability, and mindset to improve situations! Expand your levels of thinking. See what new thoughts become triggered. Enhance your life and others by using this information. It would help if you wrote triggered thoughts down so you can refine and apply them to your life.
Agree or Disagree - When you have more life options and tools to use, better choices result in positive action. By applying them - life becomes more manageable, less stressed, and happier.
The universe's size and complexities are beyond our scope of comprehension.
- But every humankind is a living part of the life-cycle process on earth.
- You get to experience life and make your time here better if you choose that option.
- Learn better ways to get more out of being the most complex living organism on the planet.
- You are not perfect. Mistakes do happen. Life is a learning process.
- Mistakes are not failures but a process to learn and gain wisdom so you can enjoy life more.
- Making better choices about how you live has excellent value and rewards.
Unfortunately, we seldom make time to think about and appreciate the fullness of life. Look at your opportunity, value, and complexity of life. Determine and plan how you can improve. What do you think the purpose of the earth is? Is it to support life? Why is our world in this galaxy? Why do you exist? How do you fit into the life puzzle? What is the purpose/meaning of life? Are there other forms of life in the universe? That's an unknown answer.
In this Academy for advancing your levels of thinking, let's look at things we can answer and opportunities to create positive change. Find 7 or more ways you can start improving your life. Learn all you can to improve yourself and others. What would the earth be like without the existence of humans? Would it survive? Yes, because it is so automated, just like your own body! Is this by design or by chance? So, start now, getting to know your body better. Improve your communications. Advance the quality of your relationships and refine your life skills. All these things improve your legacy and life opportunities.
You, by choice, can act to improve the quality of life and what you get out of it.
Make time now to look at questions you seldom think about but should. As part of the life cycle and each person's unique experiences on earth, you have to navigate many paths. Being unique is a good thing. These paths make up space and time for every day you get to live. NEW paths and routines can improve your life options, reduce stress, and improve success and happiness.
Your choices, decisions, actions, and accountability will get exposed in the Academy. Examine and test yourself by studying this information. Your self-evaluation/personal audit/life inventory will help you improve life situations. New opportunities and decisions allow you to see, maintain, and discover ways to live better. What value would you place on personal progress? Gaining control over your attitudes and activities as you live on earth is priceless. Can you find 7 or more ways to improve?
But, like everyone else, you must look for answers, root causes, and solutions. Thoughts and words without action have no value. Every effort begins with the idea that is a thought. Next, you make the best decisions to act. Your search is a typical path for personal growth.
If you want to be happier and more productive, figuring out who you are and how you fit into the world is valuable. First, you must expand your levels of thinking. To discover your purpose and success in life, you must raise your levels of thinking. What will your legacy be? Starting now, how will you choose to improve your life and others? What you read in this Academy for Self-Improvement will add many options to your playbook.
Each day is a new part of the life-cycle journey. Do you search for new options every day, or only when faced with an unsettling challenge? What inspires you to do better? Is the highlight of your day coming home? Where and how do you find your support? What about comfort, understanding, motivation, empathy, confidence, and guidance?
What value would you place on finding seven or more ways to improve your life and others? Do you think that one decision can change your life?
See the IMPORTANT NOTE about registration at the bottom of this page.
Is your life story written down yet? If Not, Why Not? This program will help you build your outline to make the writing part easy.
People ask - What's in this program for me? Is this a valid and robust question to ask? Of course. Take a look NOW at what you want or need to improve the quality of your life cycle. Items like happiness, success, stress reduction, and relationships. Also, what about health, time-management, communications, current situations, and life mapping. Then determine when, where, how, and why you can choose to create NEW changes. What items hold you back? Do your habits make things better or worse? What's in your life basket, and how do you use the items? Determine if some of the items should be taken out. Take more charge of making better decisions and actions. Improve your life challenges and life situations. Determine what applies to you. And those you choose to be around. Consider those who can enjoy your Legacy and life improvements you decide to create.
Self-reflecting is the essential process that starts with increased self-awareness. What you say and do and what people hear and see can be two different meanings. Better self-awareness opens new paths for self-improvement and greater happiness. The program will help improve your quality of life skills. Expand your opportunities and details of being a better person so you get more out of life. In short – a personal inventory/audit is a necessary tool. The tools help to create new or revised paths. Finding solutions to your life problems need your best decisions and actions.
Self-help only happens and has value when you see a personal value/benefit. Learn how, when, where, and why you can take action to put in place ideas that are best for you.
Each human life cycle is unique and complex. Each life cycle has a beginning and end. Each cycle contains unique challenges, questions, feelings, emotions, and unexpected events. Remember, being unique is a good thing. How many questions get bottled up in your mind about health/your body? What about communications, well-being, and sex? Also, consider life options, relationships, life direction, mortality. Your Legacy and happiness are valuable assets. Consider the questions you have but never asked? What keeps you from asking the questions?
Consider these topics:
How often do you struggle with memories and old relationships? What about time management, understanding, or misunderstanding yourself and others? How do you handle relationships, a sense of belonging, empathy, and quality communication? How successful are your planning and follow-through methods? Are you good at deadlines? How often do procrastination and not working on your life-mapping affect you? Or spending time to understand better the purpose of life can get in your way.
How often do you feel stressed, confused, or ignored? Do you feel concerned, distant, isolated, or lack support? How often are you in a rut? Does this cause frustration, a feeling of alienation, hurt, or being lost? Do these situations result in depression, feeling cornered, anxious, unappreciated, or lonely? If so, you are not alone, making you a part of the living life club. Additionally, how do you handle all the emotions and feelings with each item listed above?
How would you feel if you had a genuine sense of belonging? Would this reduce stressed levels? Or control the need to keep looking over your shoulder? Would that lead to feeling content, appreciated, fulfilled, loving, and happier? You can restart that journey today by choosing to keep investing in yourself.
What thoughts or memories were NOW triggered by this shortlist of situations? Your triggered thoughts now are the tip of your self-improvement iceberg. Always consider that what you choose to do today will become a memory tomorrow. The action will also become a part of your life story - your Legacy!
Are you open-minded? If not, change and benefits are difficult to get and see. Are you interested in Solutions/options to improve self-awareness to get more out of life? If yes, keep reading to start taking an elevated, 360-degree view of life. A self-audit is an intentional process to examine your life inventory. IT IS VALUABLE and revealing to take a detailed look at your life. Looking at your current, past, and future situations are eye-opening. Your thoughts, emotions, feelings, attitudes, blessings, and mindset are keys to change. Plus, use this time to read, study, explore, and analyze NEW opportunities. Determine the root cause of all situations. Use your perspectives and philosophy about your life and others to improve yourself. As a result, you will find many NEW ideas. Develop possible solutions to unlock your unused and untapped potential. Learn new ways to get more out of life. Words and new thoughts can become your stepping stones to creating your improvement. Making time every day to expand your levels of thinking will improve your life skills. The result can be happiness, new choices, decision making, and building a better Legacy. Time is valuable.
Will you commit to starting with only 14 minutes a day to improve your life and others?
This Academy's purpose and goals help people of any age test or check themselves. As a result, you can make better daily decisions to improve happiness and life success by this action.
These life procedures get accomplished after answering personal questions. You will see many items you don't consider but should. By your action, you get to improve your quality of life. Also, these actions lead to realizing the importance and value of your life. This helps you find more life opportunities and purpose. The Legacy you leave, and how your life choices and decisions impact others. Your life can help many future generations by the actions you choose now.
Each item you choose to occupy your mind and to become a change will improve your life. This includes your thoughts, choices, and actions today. Remember your actions today will tomorrow become yesterday's memories for a lifetime. Are you making the best use of your time and opportunities today? How are past experiences affecting you now?
What happens when your life cycle ends or ends unexpectedly? The PLB Academy has hundreds of personal questions. Examine your thoughts, perspectives, attitudes, life options, and mindset. So, start diving into life's unique and essential subject/study now.
Time spent helping yourself and others to become better people is priceless! However, the most consistent thing in life is change.
The questions you get to answer relate to ideas. The topics include subjects you seldom spend the necessary time on but should. Your efforts now can help find better or NEW paths for happiness and a feeling of fulfillment. Without transformation, you are not growing, prospering, or developing your talents. There are so many life stories yet to happen and should be written down.
Everyone has some rough pathways they have taken. For example, do you often get angry at yourself for how you feel? Do you hold onto things that you should let go of? Now's a great time to make some necessary changes to be happier.
Considering different options in your life cycle should be a daily priority. Expanding your levels of evaluating and thinking about life is significant. This Academy is full of resources to help get more out of life. A self-paced inventory of your life thoughts improves opportunity. All your emotions, feelings, and options are essential parts of your life. The list includes but is not limited to your communications, happiness, stress levels. Your procrastination, humility, empathy, respect, and discipline are also vital. Also, understanding others, improving health, relationships, self-awareness builds self-confidence. Finally, time management, listening, good decision-making are essential. Expanded life paths to pursue are relevant to happiness.
What are your answers to these questions:
- Do you want or need to create change in your life for self-improvement?
- Do you believe one decision can change your life or others?
- Are you interested in getting three gifts to further challenge your thoughts and comfort zones about life?
- Are you open-minded to finding seven or more ways to improve yourself and others?
Are you curious to challenge your perspectives and mindset to see what you learn? This is part of taking a life inventory for self-improvement.
Finally, are you interested in finding unused, untapped, or blocked potential in your life and others?
- If you could start changing one thing in your life starting today, what would it be and why? Please write it down now, as you will get to build on this valuable thought! Of course, you can write down more than one if you want.
A YES answer to any of the first seven questions above indicates that this Academy can help you. Creating positive, productive change in your life and others is rewarding and priceless. So, together let's check root causes and solutions. Then, strive to improve daily choices, decisions, and actions.
Engaging in a personal inventory of thoughts, feelings, expressions, and emotions is eye-opening. Your ideas, assets, and perspectives have many rewarding and life-changing benefits for self-improvement. Also, a choice to move to the next step will provide many new triggered thoughts. Your new ideas to evaluate your life ruts are essential. Your obstacles, mindset, options, opinions, and definitions of happiness and success are crucial. There is one exercise for you to work on your life mapping. Determine where you have been, where you are now, and prepare for what's ahead.
Reading this information was your first step to creating life changes to get more out of life. The next step is to examine your "If, I, and Why" perspectives to enhance life's "self" aspect. Check out the essential self-words on the next page found with the Blue Button "I want to know more" below. See what questions and ideas are crucial and apply to you. Finally, determine what you want to improve in your life and take action.
See what valuable thoughts become triggered. Each idea/thought you write down will be a golden nugget for self-improvement. You get to refine them in the Academy for your self-audit/life inventory. Then, it's time for action. If you want to examine your "IF, I, and WHY" statements - Click the Red & Yellow Yes Button.
Here is a choice to make about your life and others
- Do you focus on 20% of things that produce 80% of your life results? If not, why not?
- Or do you focus too much on the 80%? If so, why? The 80% that keeps you stressed, frustrated, and disorganized? This 80% action keeps you in a rut, usually filled with turmoil that holds you back. Your choice! Navigating life with more options is essential.
- Do you see your problems as an opportunity to improve yourself?
- If you want to learn more about continuing on a personal path for self-improvement, you can now choose to take an in-depth look/review of yourself - a personal unique inventory/audit. This action is a golden opportunity to continue self-improvement. In addition, new options found by searching deep into your personal life inventory and expanding your self-awareness are also priceless results and options.
- Unlock unused or hidden potential! Give back to yourself and others. You hold the keys to success. Items such as life mapping, goals, purpose, legacy building, better choices, accountability, mortality, relationships, communication skills, health, thoughts, and perspectives can become more apparent as you continue with this self-paced self-audit.
ALL the information is based on REAL-LIFE situations.
Click the "I want to Know More" Blue button below. You will access more valuable information, thoughts, and questions, plus some thought-provoking short videos and the link for the three gifts - valued at 75.00.
Whenever you become overwhelmed with the mountain ahead of you, remember the mountains you have already been over and the storms you have survived; then, apply the wisdom you gained.
IMPORTANT NOTE about Registration
To access the Learning modules from the menu tab, you must first be registered in the PLB Academy using the Register tab in the menu at the top of the page. Once you are registered, you will need to enter your user name and password to gain full access to the Learning Modules.
Everyone plays a part in life – What Part do you play?
Don't ever forget the value and happiness you get and give by making another person's day better by the action you choose.
What you love, want, and need in life will not always be there!
Remember, life is NOT a competition. BUT a journey filled with many challenges and constant changes. Relationships are a partnership and require equal amounts of commitment.
The retail tuition to the Academy is 1400.00. The introductory offer is 237.00 for all 18 learning modules. This cost does not include the two new relationship-building modules. However, you do have the option to get the modules separately so you can pick and choose. For example, the two new relationship modules, 70+ pages, and over 500 personal questions are only $57.00, a 30% savings over getting them separately for $37.00 each. First, you must register using the Register/Login tab at the top of the page. Once registered, you will have access to the Learning Modules. The more you read and study the information, the greater value you will find in your legacy building and the importance of expanding your levels of thinking. Plan to devote at least 14 minutes a day, three days a week to start. The majority of people end up spending much more time because they start realizing the benefits they are getting from expanding their self-awareness.